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Growing Gifs 1.0

performance during 'the Research Days' which were organized in October 2016 at the Antwerp Royal Conservatory by the Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA).

This performance was designed together with Karel Tuytschaever, teacher of dance at the conservatory. While four dancers improvised on live music from clarinet, this clarinet player in turn improvised on the projected lines of the drawings that our students made on their Wacom tablets of the dancers. The dancers improvised at the time and the same was true for the clarinet player. The artists also made their drawings "à la minute" while they were projected live.

concept and coordination: Janna Beck, Wouter Steel, Kris Meeusen (Lab101), Karel Tuyschaever.

artists: MA students and alumni from Royal Academy Antwerp and Royal Conservatory Antwerp.


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